Sunday, August 15, 2010

If you wake up in a room with 2 doors and 2 computers. One goes to death, one goes to paradise.?

One door gets you out of the room and one door will result in immediate death. One of the computers will always lie to you and one will always tell the truth. You can only ask one of them one question. What question do you ask in order to get out of the room safely and alive. You dont know which computer answers your question.

If you wake up in a room with 2 doors and 2 computers. One goes to death, one goes to paradise.?antivirus download

If I asked the other computer which door leads to paradise, which door would it point out?

Then do the opposite. This works because one of the two will always lie, and if you combine the answers of both computers into one question, you know that the lie will always be present.

Alternatively, you can ask ''If I asked you whether this door [point] leads to life, would you say yes?'' The lying computer will always lie, and since the question has two layers, the two lies cancel each other out and give you the truth. The honest computer always tells the truth anyway.

If you wake up in a room with 2 doors and 2 computers. One goes to death, one goes to paradise.?bmw

ask the first a math problem like 2+2 and then ask the other computer which door to go through it the computer you asked the math problem gets it wrong, then the other one is telling the truth about the doors, or vice versa.
what door isnt the one to paradise
If I asked the other computer which road leads to paradise, what is the opposite of what he would say?鈥潀||watz six timez six???
I will ask for a cigarette??!!!!!! ^_^
ask both computers if they are telling a lie or not...
If you are the computer that will lead me out of this room can you speak now?
Ask it a 2-part question
you ask the computer the question, and it tells you the oppisite of the truth, so if you ask,

''Which is better? Glasses or contacts?''?

and it tells you, ''Glasses.''

then you turn it around, and the correct answer is ''contacts''

yay! If it's the computer telling the truth, then just go to where it says to.
which door is not the one to get out???


i think im wrong
ask what the other computer will say.........

i saw a question like this on here before, only with monkeys and apples..................

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