Sunday, August 15, 2010

Help i am a retard when it comes to computers?

i need to purchase a wireless router for my home. i dont exactly know how well performance varies from router to router. What the heck do i do? I own a sony vaio desktop vgc-rb43 with cable internet connection. What would you suggest. I would like to have a decent speed. 10mbps wont cut it. Need at least the 54 or whatever typically comes with a router. I guess i am more worried about the compatibility with my computers. My laptop is a hp. can you help?

Help i am a retard when it comes to computers?antivirus programs

This is the speediest out right now:

You'll also need wireless network cards:

This card is only 108mbps, you'll need to find a 300mbps to take advantage of the router above.

As long as both PC's have Windows XP your set.


Forget what the others said. You know that doofus works at Best Buy/Circuit City, they get payed to stand around and scratch their ***.

Linksys, they're piles of crap. The TRENDnets are plug and play, very easy to get working and they don't break down.

Also, sure your web connection may be only 10mbps, but if you transfer large files (1gb+) from laptop to desktop and vice versa, you want as much speed as possible. I feel my 100mbps wired is too slow, I should've gone with 1000mbps.

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